Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Tempat Terlarang Untuk Menaruh Handphone

Coba deh perhatiin artikel ini, coz ternyata ponsel gak bisa ditaruh ditempat sembarangan. Cekidot… 

1. Jangan Taruh Dalam Saku Bagi para pria yg senang meletakkan ponsel di saku celana, sebaiknya dipikir ulang dech.. Alasannya, ponsel menghasilkan paparan medan elektrostatik & elektromagnetik yang mengakibatkan infertilitas (ketidaksuburan) lelaki. 

2. Jangan Letakkan Bersama Barang Elektronik Jangan gunakan ponsel ketika sinyal lemah dekat dengan barang elektronik berpresisi tinggi. Barang elektronik mengeluarkan medan elektonik yg tinggi yaitu, TV, oven, kulkas, dll.. Perangkat berdaya listrik tinggi dapat merusak sirkuit ponsel terbakar. 

3. Dilarang Dekat Kunci Mobil Dalam keadaan tertentu, ponsel yang digunakan dalam kendaraan akan memberikan dampak merusak terhadap peralatan elektronik kendaraan. Ponsel yang diletakkan terlalu dekat dengan kunci mobil ternyata bisa menghapus kode elektronik yang ada di kunci tersebut. 

4. Jangan Posisikan Dekat Komputer Komputer & ponsel sama-sama memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik. Jika berada dalam jarak yang dekat, maka keduanya akan saling merusak. Anda tidak ingin kan langsung kehilangan dua benda favorit anda ? 

5. Jangan Simpan di Tempat Bersuhu Tinggi Tempat bersuhu tinggi, kelembaban tinggi, & berdebu merupakan kumpulan musuh ponsel anda.. Mungkin anda tdk menyadari sering “menjemur” ponsel anda di dashboard mobil, dekat jendela & bagasi. 

6. Hindari Meletakkan Kartu SIM Dekat Magnet Bahaya kartu SIM dekat dg benda-benda mengandung magnet karena radiasi yang ditimbulkan. Ponsel bisa merusak floppy disk, kartu memori, & kartu kredit anda. 

7. Jauhkan Dari Logam Hindari ponsel dari benda logam kecil karena magnet pada speaker ponsel anda akan menarik benda-benda tersebut. Ponsel anda bisa mengalami cidera fisik/kerusakan. 

8. Jangan Dekat Alat Pacu Jantung Rumah Sakit memang bukan tempat yang baik untuk menggunakan ponsel. Selain alasan pasien butuh ketenangan, peralatan media seperti alat bantu dengar & alat pacu jantung dpt terganggu. Jangan sampai anda membunuh orang dengan ponsel yang anda miliki. 

9. Jangan Tempatkan Dekat Gas yg Mudah Terbakar Gas berbahaya karena memiliki tekanan tinggi dan mudah terbakar. Berada dengan gas yang mudah terbakar bisa mengakibatkan ponsel tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik. 

10. Hindari Daerah Basah Rasanya kita semua sadar betapa bahayanya air bagi ponsel. Air juga musuh kamera ponsel.. Apalagi saat musim hujan, bisa mengundang banyak resiko. Bagi pengendara sepeda motor, segera selamatkan ponsel anda dengan menyimpan di tempat yg kedap air saat hujan tiba.

Sepatu dan Kodrat Wanita



Beberapa bulan terakhir gw bertahan dengan sepatu ajaib gw. Saking ajaibnya, walopun sepatunya selalu nganga dan gw ga pernah niat buat ngasih makan, tetap aja dia nganga dengan sabar. Ajaib kan? 

Dan akhirnya dua minggu yang lalu gw memutuskan untuk mempesiunkannya dengan menggantinya dengan yang baru. Awalnya gw berniat beli sneakers ato kets ato apalah namanya, kaya biasa, namun nyampe di sana sohib gw berhasil ngerayu gw buat beli sepatu cewek. Flat shoes yang bener-bener cewek. 

Secara selama ini gw terbiasa make kets. Sohib gw ngerayu gw dan nyebut-nyebut soal “umur dan kodrat sebagai wanita”. Dia hebat, bisa ceramah soal kodrat wanita hanya karena sepatu. Bayangin, she said wanita instead of cewek. 

Dan gw beneran beli sepatu itu. Setelah beberapa hari gw makenya, gw nyesel. Sepatu itu berhasil bikin kaki gw diplester sana sini. Sama sekali ga nyaman makenya. Sampe-sampe ada temen gw yang bilang “tanda-tanda kiamat sudah dekat” sambil nunjuk sepatu gw. Ada juga yang ketawa ngakak sambil bilang “sejak kapan sepatu lo pake pita-pita segala?”. 

Tetep aja kets is the best. Kets menjamin kaki lo ga bakal lecet. Gw ga peduli sama kodrat wanita. Gw Cuma pengen kenyamanan.

Senin, 29 November 2010

Fiction Lyrics

Banyak yang bilang lagu Fiction ini adalah Suicide Note yang ditinggalkan The Rev. Gw abis baca komen dari fans a7x ini, n sedih bgt...

I agree almost completely with Garte13's post. From what I've seen on Youtube comments, many people seem to outright reject the possibility that the Rev committed suicide because they don't want to believe it. But I think this song makes it very tragically clear. The straightforward lyrics and the fact that the song was turned in only three days before he died aren't the only suggestions of suicide. He wrote this song nine years before for Pinkly Smooth and ONLY decided to turn it in to A7x a short time before he died. When he turned it in (this is only what I heard) he told Shadows "That's it, the last song" and walked out. He told people when he was only 15 that he'd die before 30. Medication overdose is an extremely common way of killing yourself, and it's universally known that oxycotin and alcohol is a fatal combination. The Rev took pain medications for a serious heart condition for a very long time, and the disease probably caused him a lot of pain and suffering, which may even mean that he had contemplated suicide long before (this would explain the 'dying before 30' comment). Basically, even if you don't believe he DELIBERATELY overdosed himself, it's pretty obvious by the fact that he wrote this song that he KNEW he was going to die. And of course the lyrics in So Far Away and Save Me suggest that the band knew it (for a long time, even, who knows) and were deeply saddened but most likely respected his decision.

(Of course, for all I know this could all be just a big stretch, a big speculation, as we'll never find out. If Jimmy did kill himself, A7x wouldn't want it to go public, and I would understand them, because people are such dicks about it. From the Youtube comments you can quickly tell that many people wouldn't respect his decision to end his pain. So I'm just stating things that back up my hypothesis but I'm not establishing it as fact. It's just the feeling I get from all these insinuations...)

What I don't completely agree with is Garte's interpretation of this verse, although his does also make sense.

Not that I could

Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn

In my opinion, Jimmy's making a reference to the heart problem (cardiomegaly) that's been causing his pain. He's saying here that he wouldn't, and couldn't, let "it" (the disease) continue to burn under his skin. He just didn't want it to keep making him suffer, so he decided to end it once and for all by taking his life and going to the peace just on the other side...

It's tragic that he had to go so early. In a world where talent in music is rare and undervalued, it hits even harder that such a multifaceted, versatile, skillful, unique and talented musician is gone foREVer. I regret never having seen A7x in concert while the Rev was still alive. A7x is practically a perfect band, with phenomenally and equally gifted members, and it may sound corny, but you can't deny that without the Rev, some of that perfection is lost... while Portnoy is an extremely good replacement, it'll never be the same again. The Rev's voice and composition skills were unique to him.

That being said, however, I have been greatly empowered by the ability of the remaining A7x members to carry on... their unbelievable strength in overcoming this loss is very inspiring and admirable to me, and comforts me in some way. This is why I love both the band and its music. The music can express such a wide range of emotions, and the band members are emotionally strong with great character and a great devotion to their fans.

Although I think it's terrible that Jimmy killed himself, it doesn't change my respect for him as a very extraordinarily talented musician. And I respect his decision.

Yeah, The Rev's stll the best..!  


Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man
Like a friend we saw it through
In the end I gave my life for you

Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest my head
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on the other side

Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn

Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me
All this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid

Not that I could
Or that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn

I hope it's worth it, here on the highway, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you

So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
I hope you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight

I hope it's worth it, what's left behind me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you

So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight

Avenged Sevenfold - Welcome To The Family (Lyric)

Hey kids! (hey kids)
Do I have your attention?
I know the way you've been living
Life's so reckless, tragedy endless
Welcome to the family

There's something missing
Only time will alter your vision
Never in question, lethal injection
Welcome to the family

Not long ago you find the answers were so crystal clear
Within a day you find yourself living in constant fear
Can you look at yourself now, can you look at yourself?
You can't win this fight

In a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb
Our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside, we all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight!

Hey kids! (hey kids)
I have to question
What's with the violent aggression
Details blurry, lost him too early
Welcome to the family

Why won't you listen?
Can't help the people you're missing
It's been done, a casualty rerun
Welcome to the family

I try and help you with the things that can't be justified
I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize
So have you figured it out now, so have you figured it out?
You can't win this fight

And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb
Our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside, we all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight!

Here for you and all mankind,
I've lost my mind
Psychotic rounds in to dementia
I won't be fine

I see your escaping down a steep road
Cast out in a world you'll never know
Stand there, place your weapon by your side
It's a war the end, we'll surely lose but that's alright
So have you figured it out now, so have you figured it out?

And in a way it seems there's no one to call
When our thoughts are so numb
Our feelings unsure
We all have emptiness inside, we all have answers to find
But you can't win this fight

Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my,
Deep inside where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
You're not invited, so step aside
I've lost my...

Avenged Sevenfold - Save Me (Lyric)


(We all know, we all know!)

Sorry, did I wake your dreams?
Some questions run to me
We only, only wake up when we sleep
Met by the lunar light, trouble's all we find
Lost our way tonight

Is it something we said?
Is it something we said to them?
Is it something we said?!

(Save me)
Entrapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the endings are the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know

(We all know, we all know!)

Ever since the day you left my fate's being set unknown
How many years to walk this path alone
So much to see tonight, so why'd you close your eyes?
Why can't I shut mine?

Is it something we did?
Is it something we did to them?
Is it something we did?!

(Save me)
Entrapped into a vile world
(Save me)
Where the endings are the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know
If you hear me, let me know

Help me find my way
So, help me find my way

No pulse inside of me, stone cold lips and heresy
All lies into a degree, losing you I wanna be
You'll find out, right now
He may be out of his mind
But someday you will find, that sanity has left us all blind
And dragged us all behind, a moment seen with those eyes
Crystal blue skies, they say that all beauty must die
I say it just moves on

If you only open your mind, then someday you will find
That sanity left us behind, and walk right through the dark
I can see the picture's clear as yesterday, pictures of my own
I can hear the voices begging you to stay, but know you're not alone.

(Save me)
Entrapped into a vile world
(Save me)
Where the endings are the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know
If you hear me, let me know

Tonight we all die young. [6x]
Tonight we all die
Tonight we all die young!

Avenged Sevenfold - Danger Line (Lyric)

My sixteen, locked and loaded
All fear has been avoided
You say the words and my weapon is drawn

This one could be my last time
Some people call it war crime
I may be staring down a lethal sight

(To die)
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line

I do this for my family
My daughter loves her daddy
Too many talk down on things they don't know

With colors never faded
Reckless and unabated
They may take me but never take us all

(I'll crawl)
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line

I know what you're thinking
I've been there before
So think of the times, the time we spent laughing away
So think of the times at home
(Life without a care)

Now I find myself in my own blood
(Never thought I'd lay in my own blood)
The damage done is far beyond repair
I never put my faith in up above
(Never had much faith in up above)
But now, I'm hoping someone's there

I never meant to leave this world alone
I never meant to hurt the ones who cared
And all this time I thought we'd just grow old
You know, no one said it's fair

Tell my baby girl that "It's alright"
I've sung my last song today
Remind the lord to leave his light on for me
I'm free

Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive (Lyric)

Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud
Take a look in the distance
Try and see it all

Chances are that you might find
That we share a common discomfort now
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real

Still I'm on my way
(On and on it goes)
Vacant hope to take

I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And it seems I've been buried alive

I walk the fields through the fire
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams, reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall

Much has changed since the last time
And I feel a little less certain now
You know I jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if it's real

Memories seem to fade
(On and on it goes)
Wash my view away

I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave
Trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks
Death calls my name
And it seems I've been buried alive

Take you down now
Burn it all out
Throw you all around
Get your fuckin' HANDS OFF ME!

What's it feel like?
Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart
Now you're knockin' AT THE WRONG GATE!

For you to pay the toll
A price for you alone
The only deal you'll find
I'll gladly take your soul
While it seems sick
Sober up quick
Psycho lunatic crushing you with

Shame to find out
When it's too late
But you're all the same
Trapped inside INFERNO AWAITS!

Evil thoughts can hide
I'll help release the mind
I'll peel away the skin
Release the dark within

This is now your life
Strike you from the light
This is now your life
Die, buried alive [x3]

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Manfaat Makanan Pedas

Posting berikut ini buat kalian yang suka makanan pedas. Buat yang ga suka makanan pedas, silakan dibaca juga, semoga bisa menjadi renungan. Hehee..

Manfaat Makanan Pedas
Makanan pedas tak selalu diartikan sebagai makanan yang diolah dengan cabai. Rasa pedas juga bisa didapatkan dari merica, lada hitam, kunyit, dan berbagai bumbu dapur lain. Anda yang menyukai makanan pedas boleh merasa senang, karena rasa pedas ini mempunyai banyak manfaat kesehatan. Misalnya, seperti telah sering disebutkan sebelumnya, makanan pedas bisa menguruskan badan. Namun itu hanya salah satu contohnya saja. Coba lihat manfaat lain yang belum Anda ketahui.

1. Menurunkan berat badan Menurunkan berat badan. 
Siapapun pasti setuju, makanan apapun yang diberi sambal pasti akan lebih menggugah selera. Bila Anda mau, makanan diet Anda pun bisa diberi cocolan sambal. Kalau hal ini bisa membuat Anda tertib menyantap makanan sehat dengan lebih berselera, kenapa tidak? Lagipula, rasa pedas itu bisa meningkatkan metabolisme Anda. Studi menunjukkan bahwa senyawa utama dalam cabai, yaitu kapsaisin, memiliki efek termogenik yang bisa menyebabkan tubuh membakar kalori saat mengunyah selama 20 menit.

2. Menyehatkan jantung Menyehatkan jantung. 
Hasil studi juga menunjukkan, budaya mengonsumsi makanan pedas menyebabkan insiden serangan jantung dan stroke yang lebih rendah. Alasannya, cabai merah bisa mengurangi efek merusak dari kolesterol jahat, sedangkan kapsaisin bisa melawan peradangan. Keduanya merupakan faktor risiko untuk masalah jantung. 

3. Mencegah Kanker Mencegah kanker. 
Menurut American Association for Cancer Research, kapsaisin juga memiliki kemampuan membunuh beberapa sel kanker dan leukimia. Sedangkan kunyit, yang dijadikan bumbu kari dan mustar, bisa memperlambat penyebaran kanker dan pertumbuhan tumor. Bila ingin memberikan hasil maksimal, kombinasikan dengan lada hitam untuk menyerap kunyit 2.000 persen lebih banyak. 

4. Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Menurunkan tekanan darah. 
Vitamin A dan C mampu menguatkan dinding otot jantung, sementara panas dari lada meningkatkan aliran darah ke seluruh tubuh. Kombinasi hal ini bisa menghasilkan sistem kardiovaskuler yang lebih kuat. 

5. Mengurangi Stres Mengurangi stres. 
Makanan pedas meningkatkan produksi hormon yang memberikan rasa menyenangkan, seperti serotonin. Hasilnya, makanan ini membantu mengusir depresi dan stres. 

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Phenomenon of the Chicken

Saya berpikir. Kenapa saya berpikir? Coba pikir! Emangnya Cuma orang pintar yang bisa mikir. Oke, langsung aja. Gw sering baca kalimat kaya gini : “Mengapa ayam menyeberang jalan?” Anda-anda pasti sering mendengar kalimat kaya gini. Aristoteles, Plato, dan para pemikir lainnya punya jawaban mereka sendiri. Kalo menurut gw, kenapa ayam menyeberang jalan, ya mungkin si ayam adalah ayam jantan yang kebetulan ngeliat ada ayam betina di seberang jalan. Mungkin juga karena di seberang jalan ada orang lagi jemur padi. Atau si ayam muak dengan kehidupannya sekarang yang membosankan dan mencoba cari suasana baru di seberang jalan. Berharap di seberang jalan dia ketemu gebetan baru dan memulai kehidupan baru. Entahlah, sampai saat ini gw belum nemu jawaban pastinya. Whatever-lah… Gw ga mau ikut campur dalam kehidupan si ayam. Itu haknya dia. 

Ngomong-ngomong soal ayam, actually gw benci ayam hidup. Yeah, ayam yang masih bernapas dan berkokok (kecuali kalo ayamnya bisu) dan berjalan sambil kepala diangguk-anggukin gitu kaya lagi dengerin musik rap. Kenapa gw benci ayam hidup? Ini baru pertanyaan yang cukup rasional untuk dijawab. You know, gw benci sama yang jorok-jorok. Menurut gw tai ayam tu jorok. Hmmm…, gw ga tau juga siapa yang bilang tai ayam tu ga jorok. Atas nama tai tu pasti jorok ya. Ya kan? Ups, maaf gw ngomomg jorok. Bukan maksud apa-apa, tapi emang itu kenyataannya. Apalagi para ayam tu sering boker sembarangan. Ga Cuma itu, mereka kalo makan juga berantakan. Ga da rapi-rapinya sama sekali. Pokoknya gw benci ayam hidup! No matter what you say! 

Para ayam sedang main bola sembarangan 

Ya kecuali kalo ayamnya udah digoreng, trus dikasih sambel. Lain lagi ceritanya. Sebenernya kalo dipikir-pikir (gw mikir lagi nih), kayanya gw terlalu sadis sama ayam. Selama ini mereka udah nyelamatin hidup gw. Mereka rela mati demi gw. Eh ganti deh, ga enak banget ngebayangin makan ayam mati. Mereka rela disembelih demi gw. Demi kelangsungan hidup gw. Mungkin gw emang kejam. Maafin gw yam. Gw udah kejam banget, selama ini gw sering nimpukin kalian pake sandal, kadang-kadang pake batu (maksud gw kerikil). Tapi bukan salah gw juga kalo orang tua kalian ga ngajarin tentang kebersihan. Walaupun gw orangnya ga bersih-bersih amat, paling ga gw tau soal ga boker sembarangan. Maaf lagi nih, gw ngomong jorok lagi. Jadi intinya, please yam, bersih pangkal sehat. Kebersihan itu sebagian dari iman. Mulailah hidup bersih dari sekarang wahai para ayam!