Sabtu, 24 September 2011

My song for the week - Superfantastic (Mr. Big)

 He runs around like it's a monkey do situation
Reach sown into his soul and get nothing at all
Ride the wave in a bubble made of plastic
In a water color world that's...


Everything is beautiful
Nothing's too tragic
When it comes to happy people
Bedtime stories, morning glories
Blue skies and the perfect life
For you and me

Look into the eyes of the man and see the main attraction

Living off the fat of the land and standing tall
Mr. Feelgood craves satisfaction
Like an all day sucker....


Everything is beautiful
Nothing's too tragic
When it comes to happy people
Bedtime stories, morning glories
Blue skies and the perfect life
For you and me

White bread, black tie,

Big boys don't cry


Everything is beautiful
Bedtime stories, morning glories
Blue skies and the perfect life
For you and me

Blue skies and the perfect life

For you and me

Deh aja apa (Apa aja deh)

Yoooohoooo…. Bang Toyib is baack…

Ga kerasa udah 3 bulan ga posting di sini… Guess why?
Ehm, gw lagi sibuk skripsi.. Iya, skripsi.. Hah, ga percaya? GW LAGI SIBUK NGERJAIN SKRIPSI!!! (ngomong pake toa)

Sesuatu banget kan? (terharu)

Walopun berbulan-bulan masih revisi aja, yg penting gw udah bisa jawab “maaf, gw lagi sibuk skripsi”.

Ntar kalo ditanya, “kakak, lagi sibuk apa?” Gw bisa jawab, “lagi sibuk skripsi dek”.

Atau, “Kakak udah makan?” “Blom dek, ambilin nasi dong. Kakak lagi sibuk skripsi nih.”

Atau, “Kakak, uang jajannya udah ditransfer.” “Ditambahin kan Bun? Kakak kan lagi skripsi.” (Hubungannya apa wooooy???)

See? Luar biasa banget kan?

Kemarin gw juga sempat ganti template. Dan inilah hasilnya, ga terlalu memuaskan. Blom sempat diedit, maklum lagi skripsi. Jangan heran yak, kalo beberapa waktu ke depan gw bakal sering ganti template. Lagi sibuk skripsi soalnya. (ditimpuk pake sepatu baru) Hehe.. Okeh, cau dulu deh. TING! (ngilang)